About Us
The Association of Independent Publishers (AIP) is a vibrant national organisation for advancing the interests of the local grassroots independent print media sector in South Africa. We represent hundreds of small, locally owned media outlets from across the country, including newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and online publications.

Total publications
Total Publishers
7 540 899
Total monthly readership
2 513 633
Total monthly print run
Our Values
Through networking, training, and support for grassroots media, AIP is committed to:

Past and Present Funders

Our Partners
The Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB) in South Africa is an independent industry body responsible for regulating advertising content to ensure it is ethical, honest, and in line with the country’s Code of Advertising Practice. The ARB was established in 2018 as a self-regulatory organisation after the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA) was liquidated.
The ABC is a non-profit company registered in terms of Section 8 of the Companies’ Act, based on a bi-partite agreement between advertiser and advertising agencies and media owners. The primary function is the certification and provision of accurate and comparable circulation figures, to assist the bi-partite groupings (advertisers/marketers and publishers) in the buying and selling of advertising and promotional material.
Is the continent’s largest civic technology and data journalism initiative, using technology, open data, and investigative journalism to promote democracy, transparency, and accountability. It operates across multiple African countries, supporting media, civil society, and governments with digital tools, data-driven storytelling, and fact-checking initiatives.
International Fund for Public Interest Media
The International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM) is a global initiative that provides financial and technical support to independent, public-interest media, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
National Community Radio Forum
The NCRF is a national, membership-driven association of community radio stations and support service organizations.
The Press Council, the Press Ombud and the Appeals Panel are an independent co-regulatory mechanism set up by the print and online media to provide impartial, expeditious and cost-effective adjudication to settle disputes between newspapers, magazines and online publications, on the one hand, and members of the public, on the other, over the editorial content of publications.
South African National Editors Forum
SANEF is a non-profit organisation whose members are editors, senior journalists and journalism trainers from all areas of the South African media. SANEF promotes excellence in journalism through fighting for media freedom, writing policy submissions, research, education and training programmes.
Is a South African social investment and advisory firm that manages and implements corporate social investment (CSI) programmes, philanthropic funds, and impact investments. It works with businesses, foundations, and governments to drive sustainable social change.